Colonoscopy Instructions

please see Colonoscopy for more information.

Your reflexes and judgment can be impaired by the medications administered during the procedure. It is strongly recommended that you be accompanied because YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO DRIVE OR OPERATE MACHINERY AFTER THE PROCEDURE THAT DAY.

Do NOT make any important decisions or sign any legal documents for twelve (12) hours after having received sedation during the test.


Your colon must be COMPLETELY EMPTY in order for the colonoscopy to be successful. Please follow these instructions carefully:


  1. Purchase a bottle of Golytely or Colyte (4 litres) at the pharmacy.

  2. The day before the colonoscopy (24 hours before), drink only CLEAR FLUIDS for the entire day (see CLEAR FLUIDS section below). No solid foods or dairy are allowed.

  3. Drink 2 litres of the Golytely or Colyte solution starting at 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM the day before. Drink roughly one cup every 15 minutes. You can mix it with juice or other clear liquids if you prefer. Drink the other 2 litres the morning of the procedure, 3 hours before the test, but no later than 7:00 AM.

  4. You may have clear fluids the morning of your procedure, unless you are also having a gastroscopy in which case you should be fasting from midnight.


  1. Purchase 2 sachets of Pico-Salax (or the generic version Purg-Odan) and one bottle of Citromag at the pharmacy. Discard the instructions in the package insert. Instead, follow the steps as described below.

  2. The day before the colonoscopy (24 hours before), drink only CLEAR FLUIDS for the entire day (see CLEAR FLUIDS section below). No solid foods or dairy are allowed.

  3. Take the first sachet of Pico-Salax at 4:00 PM, and the second sachet at 9:00 PM, the evening before your colonoscopy.

  4. You must drink 4 — 6 large glasses of clear liquids, including at least one serving of replenishing fluid such as light-coloured Gatorade or Pedialyte, following each sachet of Pico-Salax.

  5. Drink half the bottle of Citromag the morning of your colonoscopy, starting at 6:30 AM.

  6. You may have clear fluids the morning of your procedure, unless you are also having a gastroscopy in which case you should be fasting from midnight.

To prepare the Pico-Salax mixture: empty the contents of the packet into a cup and add 150mL (5oz) of cold water. Stir until the powder is dissolved. Initially, the mixture may warm up. Let it cool down before you drink it.


Permitted clear fluids include the following: Strained fruit juices (apple, white grape, lemonade), water, clear broth or bouillon, coffee or tea (without milk), Gatorade, carbonated or non-carbonated soft drinks, plain Jell-O (no added fruit or topping), Ice Popsicles, Kool-Aid or other fruit flavoured drinks.  Avoid liquids coloured purple or red.


It is important to inform the doctor in advance if you have the following medical conditions:

  • If you are taking COUMADIN, PLAVIX , or other anticoagulants such as XARELTO, ELIQUIS, PRADAXA, or LIXIANA it is usually necessary to stop these medications 48 hours prior to the procedure. Please discuss this in advance with your family doctor or cardiologist to determine if these medications can be stopped.

  • If you have diabetes, your diabetic medications will need to be adjusted prior to starting the preparation for the colonoscopy.

  • If you have kidney disease, you must take an alternative preparation that can be prescribed.

  • If you require antibiotics prior to dental work due to heart disease.

  • If you are allergic to any medications.


Colonoscopy and polypectomy are associated with a very low risk of complications when performed by specialized physicians. One possible complication is a perforation (a tear in the wall of the intestine) that can occur in less than 0.05% (1 in 2,000) of cases. If that were to occur, the administration of antibiotics and intravenous solutions are often sufficient to resolve the situation. Rarely does it require a surgical intervention. Bleeding may occur at the site of the biopsy or polyp removal; it is usually minor and stops on its own or can be controlled by cauterization. It is extremely rare that we have to transfuse or perform surgery to stop the bleeding. Localized irritation of the vein or a small bruise may occur at the site of injection of medicate, this will resolve after a few days or, more rarely, after a few weeks. We rarely see reactions to the medication administered during the procedure; these reactions would resolve by themselves rapidly. Other extremely rare complications can occur in predisposed patients, including a heart attack or a stroke. As with any other medical intervention, cases of death have been reported, but this is extremely rare.

I have read and understand the content of this form. I agree to undergo the procedure colonoscopy. 


X_________________________________________________                       _________________________________________________                                      
(Patient)                                                                                                                                        (Witness)                                             


__________________________________________________                       __________________________________________________    

(Date)                                                                                                                                        (Doctor's Signature)